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This backend uses the shared-memory parallelism provided by the standard C++ library <thread>. To use it on Linux, link against the pthread library.

There are three supported barrier implementations, a mutex-based barrier, a spinlock-based barrier, and std::barier. The mutex barrier is more energy efficient, however the spinlock barrier is significantly faster. Choosing the barrier can be done by passing a template argument to bulk::thread::environment_, while bulk::thread::environment is a non-template type alias to the environment using the default barrier implementation.

A custom barrier implementation can also be supplied. It requires a constructor that takes a single std::ptrdiff_t, and a function void wait() to make a thread enter the barrier.

// default (with std::barrier)
auto env = bulk::thread::environment; 

// explicit (with spinning barrier)
auto env = bulk::thread::environment_<bulk::thread::spinning_barrier>; 

// explicit (with mutex barrier)
auto env = bulk::thread::environment_<bulk::thread::mutex_barrier>;