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template <typename T, typename Func, typename S = T>
S foldl(var<T>& x, Func f, S start_value = {}) // (1)

template <typename T, typename Func, typename S = T>
S foldl(coarray<T>& xs, Func f, S start_value = {}) // (2)

Perform a left-fold over a distributed variable (1) or coarray (2).

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the variable/array
  • S - the value type of the accumulator
  • Func - type of a binary function of the form (S&, T) -> void that modifies its first parameter, and is used in the fold


  • x - the distributed variable
  • xs - the coarray
  • f - the folding function
  • start_value - the (optional) initial value of the accumulator

Complexity and cost

  • Cost:
    • (1) costof(f) * p + sizeof(T) * p * g + l
    • (2) costof(f) * (p + X) + sizeof(T) * p * g + l


template <typename T, typename Func, typename S = T>
std::vector<T> foldl_each(coarray<T>& xs, Func f, S start_value = {})

Perform a left-fold over each element of a coarray.

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the variable/array
  • S - the value type of the accumulator
  • Func - type of a binary function of the form (S&, T) -> void that modifies its first parameter, and is used in the fold


  • xs - the coarray. Required the same local size on each processors, or an empty array is returned.
  • f - the folding function
  • start_value - the (optional) initial value of the accumulator


The ith element of the result holds a left fold of f over the ith element of each local image of the coarray xs.

Complexity and cost

  • Cost: costof(f) * p + sizeof(T) * xs.size() * p * g + l


template <typename T>
T max(bulk::world& world, T t); // (1)

template <typename T>
T max(bulk::var<T>& x); // (2)

template <typename T>
T max(bulk::coarray<T>& xs); // (3)

Compute the global maximum of local values.

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the value/variable/array


  • t - the value
  • x - the distributed variable
  • xs - the coarray

Complexity and cost

  • Cost:
    • (1), (2) p + sizeof(T) * p * g + l
    • (3) xs.size() * (xs.size() * p + sizeof(T) * p * g) + l


template <typename T>
T min(bulk::world& world, T t); // (1)

template <typename T>
T min(bulk::var<T>& x); // (2)

template <typename T>
T min(bulk::coarray<T>& xs); // (3)

Compute the global minimum of local values.

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the value/variable/array


  • t - the value
  • x - the distributed variable
  • xs - the coarray

Complexity and cost

  • Cost:
    • (1), (2) p + sizeof(T) * p * g + l
    • (3) xs.size() * (xs.size() * p + sizeof(T) * p * g) + l


template <typename T>
T sum(bulk::world& world, T t); // (1)

template <typename T>
T sum(bulk::var<T>& x); // (2)

template <typename T>
T sum(bulk::coarray<T>& xs); // (3)

Compute the global sum of local values.

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the value/variable/array


  • t - the value
  • x - the distributed variable
  • xs - the coarray

Complexity and cost

  • Cost:
    • (1), (2) p + sizeof(T) * p * g + l
    • (3) xs.size() * (xs.size() * p + sizeof(T) * p * g) + l


template <typename T>
T product(bulk::world& world, T t); // (1)

template <typename T>
T product(bulk::var<T>& x); // (2)

template <typename T>
T product(bulk::coarray<T>& xs); // (3)

Compute the global product of local values.

Template parameters

  • T - the value type of the value/variable/array


  • t - the value
  • x - the distributed variable
  • xs - the coarray

Complexity and cost

  • Cost:
    • (1), (2) p + sizeof(T) * p * g + l
    • (3) xs.size() * (xs.size() * p + sizeof(T) * p * g) + l