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Defined in header <bulk/variable.hpp>.

template <typename T>
class var;

bulk::var represents a distributed object with an image on each processor. This image is readable and writable from remote processors.

Template parameters

  • T - the type of the values stored in the images of the variable.

Member types

  • value_type: the type of the distributed data (i.e. T)

Member functions

(constructor) constructs the variable
(deconstructor) deconstructs the variable
operator= assign values to the variable
Value access
value returns the value of the local variable image
operator T implicit cast to value reference
operator() obtain an image to a remote value
broadcast broadcast a value to all remote images
World access
world returns the world of the variable

Nested classes

  • image: an object providing syntactic sugar for reading and writing to images.


#include "bulk/bulk.hpp"

#include "set_backend.hpp"

int main() {
    environment env;

    env.spawn(env.available_processors(), [](bulk::world& world) {
        int s = world.processor_id();
        int p = world.active_processors();

        bulk::var<int> a(world);

        a(world.next_processor()) = s;

        world.log("%d/%d <- %d", s, p, a.value());

        auto b = a(world.next_processor()).get();


        world.log("%d/%d -> %d", s, p, b.value());

    return 0;