Defined in header <bulk/world.hpp>
class world;
represents the world of a processor and its place within it, by providing information and mechanisms to communicate with other processors, or obtain information about the local processor.
Member functions
System information | |
active_processors |
returns the number of active processors |
rank |
returns the id of the local processor |
next_rank |
returns the id of the next logical processor |
prev_rank |
returns the id of the previous logical processor |
Communication and coordination | |
sync |
performs a bulk synchronization |
barrier |
performs a bulk barrier |
split |
split the world in subsets |
Logging | |
log |
log a message |
log_once |
log a message only with the first processor |
#include "bulk/bulk.hpp"
#include "set_backend.hpp"
int main() {
environment env;
env.spawn(env.available_processors(), [](bulk::world& world) {
int s = world.rank();
int p = world.active_processors();
world.log("Hello, world! %d/%d", s, p);
return 0;