Communicating with the Epiphany

Communication: up and down

Writing kernels for the Epiphany is only useful when you can provide them with data to process. The easiest way to send data from the host program running on the host processor to the Epiphany cores is completely analogous to message passing between cores. So far the code we have written on the host only initializes the BSP system, starts the SPMD program on the Epiphany, and finalizes the system afterwards. Before the call to ebsp_spmd we can prepare messages containing e.g. initial data for the Epiphany cores. This works completely identically to inter-core message passing, using ebsp_set_tagsize instead of bsp_set_tagsize, and ebsp_send_down instead of bsp_send:

// file: host_code.c
int n = bsp_nprocs();

int tagsize = sizeof(int);

int tag = 1;
int payload = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
    payload = 1000 + s;
    ebsp_send_down(s, &tag, &payload, sizeof(int));

These messages are available like any other on the Epiphany cores, but only between the call to bsp_begin and the first call to bsp_sync. So on the Epiphany cores we can read the messages using:

// file: ecore_code.c


// here the messages from the host are available
int packets = 0;
int accum_bytes = 0;
bsp_qsize(&packets, &accum_bytes);

int payload_in = 0;
int payload_size = 0;
int tag_in = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < packets; ++i) {
    bsp_get_tag(&payload_size, &tag_in);
    bsp_move(&payload_in, sizeof(int));
    ebsp_message("payload: %i, tag: %i", payload_in, tag_in);

// after this call the messages are invalidated
... // remainder of the program, see below

Resulting in the output:

$00: payload: 1000, tag: 1
$03: payload: 1003, tag: 1
$02: payload: 1002, tag: 1
$13: payload: 1013, tag: 1

A similar method can be used to send data up (from the Epiphany cores to the host). If you have followed along with our discussion so far the second half of the kernel code should be self explanatory:

// file: ecore_code.c
... // obtain initial data, see above

int payload = payload_in + 1000;
int tag = s;
ebsp_send_up(&tag, &payload, sizeof(int));


Note that now we are using our processor number as the tag, such that the host can use the tag to differentiate between messages coming from different cores. Usage of ebsp_send_up is limited to the final superstep, i.e. between the last call to bsp_sync and the call to bsp_end. In the host program we can read the resulting messages similarly to how we read them on the Epiphany processor:

// file: host_code.c


int packets = 0;
int accum_bytes = 0;
ebsp_qsize(&packets, &accum_bytes);

int payload_in = 0;
int payload_size = 0;
int tag_in = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < packets; ++i) {
    ebsp_get_tag(&payload_size, &tag_in);
    ebsp_move(&payload_in, sizeof(int));
    printf("payload: %i, tag: %i", payload_in, tag_in);


This gives the output:

payload: 2001, tag: 1
payload: 2013, tag: 13
payload: 2003, tag: 3
payload: 2002, tag: 2

For the first time we have written data to the cores, applied a transformation to the data using the Epiphany cores, and sent it back up to the host program.

Message passing is a nice way to get initial data to the Epiphany cores, and to get the results of computations back to the host. However, it is very restrictive, and does not give the user a lot of control over the way the data gets sent down. An alternative approach is given by ebsp_write and ebsp_read. These calls require manually addressing the local memory on each core. Every core has 32kb of local memory, corresponding to addresses 0x0000 to 0x8000. The default settings of EBSP put the program data at the start of this space (i.e. at 0x0000), and the stack moves downwards from the end (i.e. at 0x8000). Using ebsp_write from the host program, you can prepare data at specific spaces on the local cores:

int data[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
for (int s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
    ebsp_write(0, &data, (void*)0x5000, 4 * sizeof(int));

This would write 4 integers to each core starting at 0x5000. Similarly, ebsp_read can be used to retrieve data from the cores. We would not recommend this approach for users just beginning with the Parallella and EBSP in particular. A better approach to move large amounts of data from and to the Epiphany processor uses data streams, which will be introduced in the next EBSP release. This allows data to be moved in predetermined chunks, which are acted upon independently. We will explain this approach in detail in a future blogpost.

Interface (Vertical communication)


void ebsp_qsize(int *packets, int *accum_bytes)

Get the amount of messages in the queue and their total size in bytes.

Use only for gathering result messages at the end of a BSP program.

  • packets: A pointer to an integer receiving the number of messages
  • accum_bytes: The total size of the data payloads of the messages, in bytes.

void ebsp_set_tagsize(int *tag_bytes)

Set initial tagsize for message passing.

The default tagsize is zero. This function should be called at most once, before any messages are sent. Calling this when receiving messages results in undefined behaviour.

  • tag_bytes: A pointer to an integer containing the new tagsize, receiving the old tagsize on return.

It is not possible to send messages with different tag sizes. Doing so will result in undefined behaviour.

The tagsize set using this function is also used for inter-core messages.

int ebsp_get_tagsize()

Get the tagsize as set by the Epiphany program.

Use only for gathering result messages at the end of a BSP program.

The tagsize in bytes

When ebsp_spmd() returns, the Epiphany program can have set a different tagsize which can be obtained using this function.

void ebsp_send_down(int pid, const void *tag, const void *payload, int nbytes)

Send a message to the Epiphany cores.

This is the preferred way to send initial data (for computation) to the Epiphany cores.

  • pid: The pid of the target processor
  • tag: A pointer to the message tag
  • payload: A pointer to the data payload
  • nbytes: The size of the payload in bytes

The size of the buffer pointed to by tag has to be tagsize, and must be the same for every message being sent.

int ebsp_write(int pid, void *src, off_t dst, int size)

Write data to the Epiphany processor.

This is an alternative to the BSP Message Passing system.

1 on success, 0 on failure
  • pid: The pid of the target processor
  • src: A pointer to the source data
  • dst: The destination address (as seen by the Epiphany core)
  • size: The amount of bytes to be copied

int ebsp_read(int pid, off_t src, void *dst, int size)

Read data from the Epiphany processor.

This is an alternative to the BSP Message Passing system.

1 on success, 0 on failure
  • pid: The pid of the source processor
  • src: The source address (as seen by the Epiphany core)
  • dst: A pointer to a buffer receiving the data
  • size: The amount of bytes to be copied


void ebsp_send_up(const void *tag, const void *payload, int nbytes)

Send a message to the host processor after the computation is finished.

This will send a message back to the host after a computation. It is used to tranfer any results.

  • tag: A pointer to the tag data
  • payload: A pointer to the data
  • nbytes: The size of the data

When this function returns, the data has been copied so the user can use the buffer for other purposes.
