.. sectionauthor:: Jan-Willem Buurlage .. highlight:: c Output ====== Using ``printf`` on the Epiphany you can send messages to a debugger. However, it can be very convenient to write directly to ``stdout`` using the Epiphany cores. For this we provide a mechanism to output information from each individual Epiphany core to the ``stdout`` of the host program. For this you simply call ``ebsp_message`` completely identically to how you would call ``printf`` in regular programs. Example ------- Writing text:: ebsp_message("Hello world!"); // -> $pid: Hello world! You can also output information for local variables using standard formatting strings:: ebsp_message("Hello world from core %i of %i!", bsp_pid(), bsp_nprocs()); // -> $pid: Hello world from core pid of 16! We would not recommend outputting floating point numbers through this method, because this pulls in a lot of floating-point conversion code which takes up precious memory and might even corrupt critical memory areas used by EBSP. In a future version we will provide a lightweight floating-point conversion implementation directly in our ``ebsp_message`` implementation. Interface ------------------ .. doxygenfunction:: ebsp_message :project: ebsp_e